Sunday, November 21, 2010

First Snow-Prima Nevicata

November 21, 2010

Winter is finally here. On Sunday morning to woke up to 9 inches of snow and what a beautiful sight! I love the snow, maybe because makes everything look peaceful and serene, or maybe because to me the snow always meant the Christmas season and family gatherings.
L'inverno e` finalmente arrivato. Domenica mattina ci siamo svegliati e abbiamo trovato 23 centimetri di neve e che meraviglia! Amo la neve, forse perche` rende tutto piu` tranquillo e sereno, o forse perche` ho sempre associato la neve con la stagione natalizia e riunioni di famiglia.

We shoveled snow for a couple of hours and Jacomo played and "helped" clear the driveway. It was cool to see all the neighbors outside working side by side, helping each other and chatting away. I felt like I was in a movie.
Jacomo loves the snow and we are looking forward to take him snowmobiling and sledding, I think this year it would be more fun for him, as he gets older he can take part of our winter activities.
Abbiamo spalato la neve per un paio d'ore e Jacomo di e` divertito a giocare e ha pure "aiutato" a pulire davanti al garage. E` stato fico vedere i vicini tutti intorno a noi che spalavano, si aiutavano l'un con l'altro e chiacchieravano. Mi sembrava di essere in un film.
A Jacomo piace molto la neve e non vediamo l'ora di portarlo sulle motoslitte e sullo slittino, penso che quest'anno sara` piu` divertente per lui, con il diventare piu` grande puo` prendere parte alle nostre attivita` invernali.

Our Vittoria loved snow also. She would have been outside for hours in the cold if she could have, loved snowmobiling with her dad and sledding, or just exploring around with her cousins.
Anche la nostra Vittoria amava la neve. Sarebbe rimasta fuori al freddo per ore se solo le fosse stato concesso, amava andare sulla motoslitta e sullo slittino e esplorare i dintorni della baita con le cugine.

November 21, 2010 (evening)
P.S. Do not try this with your own vehicle in 2 feet of snow! James did it...with mine! NO COMMENT!!
P.S. Non provate a fare questo con la vostra macchina in 65 centimetri di neve! James lo ha fatto...con la mia!NO COMMENT!!


  1. James, Val, & Jocomo,
    I just wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about you guys a lot the past couple of days and remind you how much our family loves yours. I'm so thankful to have such great "cousins". Thanks for sharing your blog. Hope to see you over the holidays at the cabin....and I'm curious, James, just how far did you get in that snow? Great picture! Love you guys!

  2. It was so good to see you the other day! I just received this email from the MAR in regards to pj's forgotten children and thought it might warm your heart to hear of the good that you took part in. I didn't know your email address so I am just posting it here.

    Dear Parents,

    We are so pleased to report to you the following information regarding the recent PJ's Forgotten Children Christmas Stocking project.

    Our total collection provided for 226 "Stuffed" Christmas Stockings!

    In addition to the stockings we also were able to donate:
    100 pairs of gloves.
    The makings for over 75 individual hygiene kits including an additional 132 tubes of chapstick.
    Clothing including pj's, coats, hats, socks, and t-shirts for varying numbers of children.
    Numerous toys, watches, games, DVD's, and CD's.
    Over $400 in gift cards and
    A generous donation of $1000.00 to be used towards the purchase of a new pair of shoes for 40 children!

    We are so touched by the generosity you as well as the community around us has shown. Each year this project seems to grow and we are able to touch the lives of more and more children that are in need of our help. A special thank you to Angie Parkin for once again leading us in this effort. PJ's Forgotten Children Foundation is a beautiful organization that has proven over and over again to make efforts above and beyond ensuring every donation received is given a very individualized, specific and special touch when gifted to the children it helps.

    Please know that tears were shed by all who are a part of the foundation when they received our donations. They, the children they help, and we at Montessori at Riverton are so very grateful to you all.

    Thank you and Happy Holidays!

    Montessori at Riverton

