Thursday, July 30, 2009

2nd Thursday Morning Up-Date

It has been a week and Vittoria is hanging in there. Hopefully we will have more to go on here in the coming hours. We had a quiet night and we even got some rest... that is until there was a Code Blue (somebody crashed). That was a bit before 6am.

Vittoria is being tough. This morning she was sleeping and they were messing with her foot and she kicked at them and started to cry. I talked to her for a minute and she settled down and went back to sleep. She i being feisty and is probably tired of them messing with her. We are going to make a schedule for her with story time when we can read to her rest time and other stuff to get her into a routine. Lots to do!

As for blood donations. We found out that we were mis-informed about being able to donate in her name. That program is no longer in place. We encourage all who can to donate blood on a regular basis. This time of year the banks are a little low and every bit helps. We have used a bunch of it, literally gallons of it. It is something you can do to help.

Gotta run! Keep the faith and prayers up for our little angel. God is listening!


  1. Chris and I donated, well Chris donated on Monday. They said my iron was too low by 1 point! I'll try again in a few weeks. We love you guys!

  2. Watch out for the vampire (phleb) whose name tag said Trouble. She just starts laughing for no reason. Very unnerving! She swore she wasn't laughing at me. Those folks at ARUP do a great job collecting your blood so go on in and give a pint.
